Home ΑΡΧΕΙΟ ΑΠΟΨΕΙΣ Άποψη Αναγνώστη: My proposal for better football

Άποψη Αναγνώστη: My proposal for better football



My name is Renos, I am a 24 year professional currently living in the UK and I have been a devoted fan of Omonoia since I remember, I even had a season ticket when I was residing in Cyprus before my studies. Excuse me for writing to you in English, this is because I feel more comfortable expressing my written opinion given the amount of time I have been living here.
I have watched the last night match and I can say the happenings including the unfairness towards our club, have left a huge scar in my heart which as you have posted earlier, it is there to make us stronger. As a result of what happened yesterday and after some thought, I have the following proposal to make.
I will include a short justification of what I will propose in the end of this post. Referee’s decisions like the ones last night at Omonoia vs Dynamo Moscow for the Europa League Playoffs are the ones that push people away from football and question its legitimacy as a sport. How can the fate of a club and the happiness of thousands of fans, be dependent on obviously wrong decisions which eventually decide the outcome of a match? This is when football stops being football and whatever remains is handed into conspiracy speculations that can never be proven; this is also the main factor which provokes violence and hooliganism. Can UEFA and FIFA stop this and take football to the next level? The answer is yes. Football can be taken to the next level by applying the challenge rule. A rule which exists in tennis and makes it a sport where referees become invisible throughout each game. MAKE CHALLENGE A RULE IN FOOTBALL. GIVE THE TEAMS A CHANCE FOR IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE JUSTICE. SAVE FOOTBALL FROM CONTROVERSY AND HOOLIGANISM!
We have been experiencing unfairness, injustice and feeling the need to assume controversy for years in a local Cypriot League level, now we have experienced it in a European Competition. It is time we do something that effectively transforms football and erases the bad aspects of it.
Best Regards,
Renos Karamanis